We agree that people need be using less plastic on a day-to-day basis - but in some circumstances plastic remains, and will remain for a while, the optimal material for certain applications.

Our customers, and most transportation networks, rely on stretch film on a large scale to protect and handle their goods to ensure their products arrive in their customers hands in a pristine and timely manner - if a pallet of goods were to collapse in transit due to the application of insufficient or inferior stretch film, the complications it creates usually means goods are damaged (in some cases beyond use and disposed of), and delays are caused from tidying up and repacking, or even shipping replacements, which in turn affects their customers.

So while it may not be possible to eradicate plastic from the delivery chain just yet, we know it can be a lot more sustainable than it currently is - our efforts in research and development of producing higher performing and thinner profile stretch films with recycled content makes up only half of the journey to greater sustainability - knowing how to use the right film to its maximum potential is key.

At Manupackaging, we can help with the entire journey by supplying quality films that meet those expectations, but we also work with you to understand your plastic use and work out how to use it more effectively, be it for cost purposes, greater load stability, or increases environmental responsibility.

This is our FREE STATS packaging audit; a no-obligation survey where we promise to never propose an alternate solution for the sole purpose of making a sale, but instead propose solutions that we are confident will help our customers meet their sustainability, cost or, or performance requirements and objectives.

Here's how it works:

STATS - Review


One of our trained and experienced product technicians will visit your site (or sites) and will analyse your entire packaging process; from what you are loading on pallets and the film you are wrapping them with, to how you are applying them (hand or machine-based), as well as ask about any other concerns you may have with your current operations. This process will likely require you to keep a pallet of goods to one side, or require you to load a pallet specifically for the purpose of testing.

Our technician will make a note their findings; such as the specification of film you are currently using and the weight of the total film used to typically wrap the pallet, and any machinery settings (if used) including how much it stretches the film and how many revolutions the pallet undergoes, as well as the containment forces achieved.



With all the findings they noted, our technician will use this data along with your objectives to compile a bespoke report that calculates your current consumption, spend and CO2 footprint on a per-pallet and annual basis. The report will also include recommendations for any changes or adjustments that could be made to achieve your objectives; be they cost, performance, or environmentally focused. These recommendations could be anything from adjusting the settings on existing machinery (if used), or changing the film specification you use, to investing in new machinery entirely.

Whatever recommendations are made, they are always proposed with full cost and consumption breakdowns that can be easily compared to your current usage in order to fully illustrate and potential savings or reductions; in the case of investing in new machinery, we can even illustrate how quickly a new machine could cover its cost through savings on film consumed. This is so we can help you make a fully informed decision on any options you want to explore further.



The trialling of alternate films is usually a standard part of the STATS process - our technician will be present to ensure the films are being used and applied correctly, and that any machinery (if involved) are set to the optimal settings - in cases where updated machinery is proposed, trials are generaly not offered however may be possible in exceptional circumstances.

Our technician may also repeat some of the tests they carried out in the original audit on the recommendations, to verify that the projected performance results stated in the report are being obtained.

When you are happy to proceed with the changes on a wider scale, our technician will take the utmost care of their implementation. They will also be on hand to over see and complete first-hand the installation of any new machinery, and ensure they are set up for the appropriate film use and load containment.



With the preferred STATS proposals fully implemented and set up, all our customers have the ability to arrange routine follow up visits with their technician based on their requirements; e.g. customers who process a higher number of pallets or consume a higher volume of film may require more routine visits.

These visits are to ensure that any adjustments or changes that were made as a result of the STATS audit continue to be achieved in terms of advised cost savings and increases in environmental responsibility or contianment performance.

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